Your Employers Are Watching You
The Internet has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Employers are now carrying out CV (resume) checks on all potential candidates by examining their digital profiles.
For new graduates or people returning to work after an extended break out, having an impressive online presence will become a must.
Ignore it and you risk missing out.
Here is why:
1. All of our digital transactions are collected online
This ranges from CVs to money spent online at Amazon, to posting on Facebook or other social media sites and even searching in Google. Any time you do anything online, your information is collected by third parties.

2. Everything you publish is analysed
So even a simple post on a social networking site will be analysed. Anything you share about your family or your last holiday. A demographic profile has been created for each person and a score assigned.
Ever received an email from a newsletter that you never subscribed to? Chances are that you never unchecked the tick box on that site you recently visited asking if your details could be shared with a third party.
3. Analysis of the data by employers
It’s not just marketing companies that compile profiles on us. Employers are also turning to recruitment agencies to find out whether what we post online about ourselves is credible. The more high profile the job title, the more the potential employer is going to dig deep to find out about the candidate they want to bring in for an interviewer.
Recruitment agencies look through the search engines, social media networking sites, ebay, gambling sites, classified ads and also use credit agencies and official Government databases like the electoral register.
4. Use of technology

As a consumer we enjoy getting access to faster computers, faster download speeds and any improvement that satisfies our demand to consume media in an easier fashion. But what you may not realise is that employers are becoming adept at using this technology to evaluate their candidates.
Employers are now going as far as searching the CV’s (resumes) that you submitted where you mentioned the university that you graduated from, your previous employer and your key skills to find out if you’re a good match for them.
All of this is achieved through software. Employers no longer need to waste hours looking through hundreds of CVs and spend days interviewing to find the right candidate.
Computers now give them a narrowed search of who fits their criteria, based on skill set, demographic, salary expectation and any other demand that the employer wishes to specify.
5. What then happens?
The employer will reach out to a list of three prospects, interview them and hire one of them. This eliminates the long drawn out recruitment process and reduces the reliance on expensive adverts to find potential candidates.
6. The result?
99% of potential prospects never even found out that there was a vacancy available. No physical evaluation by a human being was required. No HR manager, no psychometric assessments and no personal intervention. Computers found a list of ideal candidates, based on their online demographics, to put their names on the top of the pile.
7. So what does this hold for you in tomorrow’s world?
A computer will instantly know all about the digital profile of all of a company’s employees.
Recruitment agencies will be able to cross reference employees from all sectors, from all around the globe and instantly find out your achievements, employment history, interests, personal habits, and even the relationships you’ve had and pass this information on to an employer the instant they receive your application for a job.
The computer then gives the employer a short list of candidates that look like a close fit. The HR manager reaches out to each candidate, examines their profiles and calls the one they are interested in for an interview. The company and the candidates are both happy with the outcomes.
This is good news for you if you’re in the shortlist that gets called in. It’s not such good news if you’re amongst the other thousands of hopefuls, including if you’re a new graduate, you’re looking to move industry sector, or you’re simply looking further afield from your current demographic area.